Library of Congress

  1. NAMEAndrew Johnson
  2. NICKNAME(S)Sir Veto
  3. BIRTH / DEATHDec. 29, 1808  Raleigh, N.C.  /  1875  Elizabethton, Tn.
  4. FATHERcaretaker at a church and baggage porter
  5. MOTHERhousewife
  6. COLLEGEnone
  7. WIFEEliza
  8. KIDS5 kids (2 girls, 3 boys)   –  first at age 19, all lived to adulthood
  9. PETS
  10. RELIGIONno formal affiliation
  12. AGE56


–  first President to be impeached

MA AND PAHe was born in a log house.  Father died when he was 3 and the family was plunged into poverty.


–  opened a tailor shop in 1827

–  local politician  1828-35

–  Tenn. state legislature  1835-42

–  Congressman  1843-53

–  Governor of Tenn.  1853-56

–  Senator  1857-62

–  military governor of Tenn.  1862-64

–  Senator for four months in 1875 before dying

FIRST LADYHer father was a shoemaker.  He married Eliza when she was 16 and he was 19.  She had four kids in seven years and then their fifth eighteen years later.   She taught Andrew how to read and write.

RETIREMENTHe died of a stroke soon after being elected to the Senate. His wife died 7 months later.


–  favorite food –  hopping john =  black-eyed peas, bacon,  rice, and onions

–  he had no formal schooling;  he was apprenticed to a tailor at age 10;  age 18 he moved to a town whose tailor had just left, so he opened a shop and it was profitable

–  at Lincoln’s second inauguration, he was suffering from typhoid and the day was wet and windy, so he took some medicinal brandy.  He gave a rambling and mumbling speech which created rumors he was an alcoholic.

–  he made his own clothes until he went to Congress