Today in 1979, the Soviets were in the process of invading Afghanistan to restore the communist government. This began their Vietnam – an occupation that became a quagmire. They would have been wise to have studied previous attempts to occupy Afghanistan. So would we, but that’s another story.
If you think we have had it bad in Afghanistan, we barely make the top five bad experiences. From 1838-42, the British fought the First Anglo-Afghan War, otherwise known as the “Disaster in Afghanistan”. It started when the Brits decided to oust the current leader and replace him with a puppet. They captured Kabul and installed their boy, but he proved unpopular and an uprising resulted. It got so bad it was decided to get the hell out of Dodge. On Jan. 6, 1842 the army marched out into typical Afghan wintery weather. In other words, it was hellish. It was snowing and freezing. The column was sniped at and raided by tribesmen who looted the baggage train and slaughtered soldiers and camp followers. Some froze to death during a night spent without tents. The next day the march continued with many crippled by the cold. They reached a narrow mountain pass where they were fired on from above. Afghan chieftains offered to intervene and negotiated safe passage, but shockingly they could not be trusted. The more things change… The column found their path blocked and their get out of Afghanistan free card was not honored. A desperate charge failed. On Jan. 13 a Doctor Brydon arrived in Jalalabad. He was the only British survivor.