I ran across this today and wanted to share it.  I have added it to my 1970’s page.  Some of the facts are shocking!


  1. women could not get a credit card without your husband’s signature – it was not until 1974 that a law was passed ending this requirement
  2. women were not guaranteed to not be fired because they got pregnant –  this changed with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
  3. women could not serve on juries in most states – the rationale was that women were too important to the home to be taken from it, women were too fragile for gory trials, or women would be too sympathetic toward the defendant;  it was not until 1973 that all states allowed women on juries
  4. women could not serve in a combat situation –  until 1973, women who entered the military were restricted to support positions or nurses;  it was not until 2013 that the armed forces allowed women in combat
  5. women could not get into most Ivy League colleges –  only Yale and Princeton accepted females
  6. women could not take legal action against sexual harassment in the workplace in most states –  it was not until 1977 that all states had laws against this
  7. women could not refuse sex to their husbands in most states –  it was not until 1993 that all states had laws against spousal rape
  8. women could not get health insurance at the same rates as men –  it was not until 2010 that sex discrimination was outlawed in health insurance


Categories: Anecdote


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