The bride was dressed in her home by relatives.  She wore a fire-colored veil and simple white smock.  Her hair was separated into six tufts and arranged with a spearhead and held by ribbons.  A sacrifice of an animal was made.  The couple would sign the marriage contract and dowry Read more…


Here are a few examples of how insane Nero was.   He fought in the arena as a gladiator against wild animals, but they were all drugged, so he was not in any danger and could not lose.  He hired a group of youths to follow him around and applaud.  The Read more…


One of the worst jobs for Roman slaves was working in a laundromat (fullonica).  Human urine was used in the cleaning process.  The shops had big pots outside for people to contribute their urine.  In other words, men (and women?) would pee in them.  Urine has ammonia in it.  Clothes Read more…

WWII Howitzer

There were three basic types of artillery used by American forces in WWII.  Guns or cannons were low trajectory, high velocity weapons that were used for direct fire.  Tanks were armed with them.  Mortars were used to lob small shells..  Howitzers, like in the picture, were high trajectory, medium velocity Read more…


Cato the Elder was a famous Senator in Rome.  His famous demand that “Carthage must be destroyed” led to the Third Punic War and the fulfillment of his dream.  One day a friend remarked to him:  “It’s a scandal that no statue has been erected to you in Rome!  I Read more…

Pickets Trading

The Civil War has often been called a war of brothers versus brothers.  The fact that all the soldiers were Americans was exemplified by moments of fraternization like depicted in this sketch.  Pickets were soldiers stationed at the front of an army as an early warning system of an enemy Read more…