Alexander’s last great battle was in India at the River Hydaspes.  He faced his most worthy opponent in this battle.  King Porus fought from elephant-back and very nearly defeated Alexander.  Porus was wounded by a spear in the battle and his elephant supposedly pulled the spear out.  After the battle, Read more…

Battle of Chancellorsville

Interesting Facts about the Battle of Chancellorsville Gen. Joseph Hooker had replaced the incompetent Ambrose Burnside after his frontal lunacy at Fredericksburg. Hooker quickly whipped the Army of the Potomac into shape and stole a march on Lee by crossing the Rappahannock River and descending on Lee’s left. Lee’s Army Read more…


After Alexander had defeated the Persians in the Battles of Granicus and Issus, he went on to conquer Egypt.  Everyone knew the job of conquering the whole Persian Empire was not finished, but Alexander had half and Darius still had a huge army.  Darius sent a message to Alexander offering Read more…

Drummer Boy

Drummer boys go back hundreds of years.  They were used in the Revolutionary War, but are most famous for their role in the Civil War.  If you were too young to enlist as a soldier, you could join the army as a drummer boy.  Some were as young as 12.  Read more…

MOVIE: 1917

History teachers are probably aware that we have a rare WWI movie now showing in theaters across the country.  It has been heavily promoted and recently won the Golden Globe for Best Drama.  It certainly will get Academy Awards recognition.  Should you go see it and should you encourage your Read more…

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Antietam –  Interesting Facts Most history books use the Northern names for the battles because the victors write the history books. Many Civil War battles had a Northern name and a Southern name.  Northerners tended to name battlefields after natural landmarks like rivers because they were memorable for Read more…

The Lost Order

Sometimes luck changes history.  In Sept., 1862, coming off a big victory at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Gen. Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia invaded the North for the first time.  He hoped to win a victory that would convince England and France to recognize Read more…


The teenage Alexander once accompanied his father Philip on a horse-buying expedition.  There was one magnificent stallion that Philip was interested in, but none of his expert horsemen could stay on the horse.  Each was bucked off as soon as he got in the saddle.  Alexander was watching all this Read more…

Civil War Bummers

Bummers were soldiers in Sherman’s army during its March to the Sea and march through South Carolina.  The term most likely originated with the German word “bummler” which meant an idler or scoundrel.  Sherman’s soldiers adopted it as a means of intimidation.   The purpose for Sherman’s March was, according to Read more…