This story was a popular one for Spartan parents to tell their sons.  Once upon a time, there was a Spartan boy living in the barracks with other boys his age.  The boys never seemed to get enough food.  This was to toughen them up and they were encouraged Read more…


            We do not know the date of the first Easter.  In fact, we are not even sure what year Jesus was crucified.  I used 30 A.D. in my Western Civ class, but I have also seen 33 A.D.  The idea of celebrating the Resurrection goes back to the early Read more…


Today is the birthday of the first great African-American boxer.  Live large today in his honor. Jack Johnson was born on March 31, 1878 in Galveston, Texas. His parents were former slaves.  He was frail as a child, he would not stay that way.  After only five years of schooling, Read more…


On March 29, 1885,  Dr. John Pemberton brewed up the first batch of Coca-Kola in his backyard. In 1886, Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton was working on a non-alcoholic “nerve medicine” to sell in his drug store.  He boiled a concoction of herbs, coca leaves, and kola nuts (caffeine) in his Read more…

The Leningrad Zoo in Wartime

                During WWII, the city of Leningrad was besieged by the German army for 872 days.  Before the siege began, the zoo employees moved 80 animals to another city.  These included black panthers, tigers, polar bears, a tapir, and a rhino.  The crocodile was released into the river and never Read more…