The sword used by Scipio’s army in Spain in the Second Punic War was the famous gladius Hispaniensus (“the Spanish sword”), usually referred to as simply the gladius. It has been called the weapon that won an empire. It was probably adopted from the Iberians in the Second Punic War Read more…


The key to a legionary’s survival was the shield. It was called a scutum.  Polybius describes it as being rectangular and 2 ½ foot wide and 4 feet tall. “It consists of two layers of wood fastened together with bull’s-hide glue; the outer surface of which is first covered with Read more…


            The army of the Second Punic is sometimes called the manipular army or the Polybian army. The word legion comes from the Latin word for a gathering or a levy. This was a reference to the method of forming the army. When the two consuls were appointed, they called Read more…


The quinquereme was the dominant oared galley in the Punic Wars.  Dionysius of Syracuse is credited with inventing it. Five referred to the five oarsmen that rowed a bank of oars. It is believed that this meant two oars (the top and middle) had two men apiece and one oar Read more…