In 2002, American forces in Afghanistan were involved in operations to search and destroy Al Qaeda and Taliban forces. It was determined that there was an enemy concentration in the Shah-i-Kot Valley. The valley had seen action between the mujahideen and the Soviet army during that war. The valley Read more…


                When King Philip of Macedonia invaded Greece in 338 B.C., he defeated an Athenian/Theban army at the Battle of Chaeronea.  Resistance ceased as all the other Greek city-states submitted to Philip’s victorious army.  All except Sparta.  When Philip arrived outside Sparta, he halted his army and awaited the Spartan Read more…


                Was Hitler Jewish?  It would be the greatest irony if he was.  Hitler’s mother was Maria Shicklgruber.  When Adolf was born his birth certificate did not identify his father.  When his mother married five years later to Johann Georg Hiedler, her son’s name was changed to that of his Read more…