Sutlers were civilian merchants who sold provisions to the soldiers.  They were also known as victualers.  The occupation went back to the French and Indian War and sutlers could be found in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.  Most of them followed the armies and sold out of the back of their wagon or from their tent.  Some set up stores outside military forts or camps.  These establishments might also offer liquor, gambling, and prostitution.  Some of the popular items they sold were tobacco, candy, manufactured clothes, hats, cigars, tea, sardines, dried fish, alcohol, sewing needles, pins, and buttons.  Because their pay came in larger denominations, the sutlers would exchange soldier pay for tokens which represented amounts like nickels, dimes, and quarters.  These sutler’s tokens were then used for purchasing goods.

A Sutler’s Tent – Library of Congress


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