Pythagoras is famous as the mathematician who came up with the Pythagorean Theorem. He was also a great philosopher who had a cult following. He proposed metempsychosis which proposed the transmigration of souls into new bodies upon death. This was basically predestination. He and his followers lived at what would later be called a monastery. It was all male. They had to follow strict rules which included: no use of public roads, no baked bread, no meat, no beans, put the left shoe on first, no white clothes, and no sex. He was particularly adamant on not eating beans. He believed you could be eating the soul of a relative. When the city-state they lived in tried to create a democracy, Pythagoras was opposed. One of the leaders of the movement for democracy decided to get rid of Pythagoras and his followers. Kylon also had a grudge against the philosopher because he was not allowed into the cult. Kylon led a mob to the monastery. The building was set on fire. Pythagoras might have perished in the fire. In another version, Pythagoras and his followers fled to a temple where they died of starvation. Or his followers made a human bridge for him to escape the fire, but he was so despondent about the deaths of his followers, he committed suicide. The most interesting legend was that he escaped the fire, but the mob chased him. When he came to a bean field, he could not bring himself to walk on beans. The mob caught up and stabbed him to death.