Jacob Brown was born on May 9, 1775. Raised a Quaker, he would later overlook their pacifist beliefs. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1790. After teaching for a few years, he settled in upstate New York and became prosperous and a leading member of his community. He became known as “Potash Brown” for his smuggling of potash to Canada. He became a captain in the militia and rose to brigadier general by the time the War of 1812 broke out. Although he opposed the war, he fought in it. He organized the defenses of the Great Lakes. In 1813, he won the Second Battle of Sackets Harbor. In 1814, he invaded Canada in the Niagara Campaign. He had an eventful July. He captured Fort Erie. Then he won the Battle of Chippawa. In the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, he fought a larger British army to a draw. He was wounded twice in the battle. His well-trained and well-disciplined army proved Americans could stand up to the British army. After withdrawing to Fort Erie, the British laid siege to it. Brown’s fortifications kept the British at bay. He led a sortie that destroyed the British artillery and helped lift the siege. His actions in 1814 made him a national hero. He was given the Congressional Gold Medal. After the war, in the greatly reduced Army, he was the only major general. In 1821, Pres. Monroe appointed him Commanding General.