Angela “Geli” Raubal was found dead in a Munich apartment on Sept. 19, 1931. She was Adolf Hitler’s neice and companion. Hitler had met her in 1925 when she was 23 years-old and he was 42. Geli was the daughter of a maid that Hitler hired. He became infatuated by Geli from first sight. Soon, she was at Hitler’s side whenever they went out to the opera, etc. In 1927, they started living in the same apartment. He became very possessive of her and would not let her go anywhere without either him or one of his bodyguards. She called him “Uncle Alfie”. She wanted to become a singer, but Hitler would not allow it. On Sept. 18, they had a big fight about her wanting to go to Vienna to go to a music school. The official version of her death is she shot herself in the chest with Hitler’s gun after he left to go to Hamburg. When Hitler was told, he went into deep depression and did not attend the funeral. Some historians feel the death was a tipping point that created the inhuman mass murderer.

                Decades later, historians still debate the Adolf/Geli relationship and her cause of death. It is unclear if they consummated their love affair. Hitler may have been asexual. Perhaps he was just obsessed with her as arm candy. It is said that Geli was the only woman he ever loved. She might have committed suicide because he would not let her have the normal life of a vivacious twenty-something. However, Suicide by shooting yourself in the chest is not normal. A letter was found in her room in which she tells a friend about going to music school. She was excited about it, not the mood of a suicidal person. Also, the letter stopped mid-word, indicating she was interrupted by somebody. Could she have been killed? Some believe that she had an affair with Hitler’s chauffer and might have gotten pregnant. Hitler fired the chauffer when he learned of the affair. The scandal could have sidetracked his political career. There was no inquest or autopsy so we will never know about a pregnancy. There was no explanation for her broken nose. A journalist named Fritz Gerlich investigated the death and determined that Geli was murdered. Before he could publish his story in his newspaper, his office was visited by Nazi stormtroopers. His papers were destroyed and he was beaten up. Later, he was arrested and sent to Dachau concentration camp as a political prisoner. He died there. Did Hitler kill her in a rage? The broken nose points to a fight. Hitler had the alibi of being out of town, but that could have been falsified. He left her bedroom untouched as a shrine. Every birthday and death anniversary, he filled the room with flowers. Was this from remorse?



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