This will be the first in a series of photos of school children around 1900.

  1. Many kids worked at the turn of the century. Only 51% of 5-19 year – olds attended school.  Only 30% of non-whites attended.  Only 11% of eligible kids went to high school.
  2. Most students went to school for only five months.
  3. Schools were segregated, not just in the South, but in many Northern cities.
  4. School was usually 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
  5. Many kids walked 2-3 miles to get to school.
  6. The main subjects were called the 3R’s = reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. Some added a fourth R = recitation.
  7. Much learning was done by rote = memorization and recitation.  Other subjects were history, geography, spelling, grammar, and penmanship.  Girls were taught domestic skills like sewing.
  8. Teachers checked teeth and fingernails for cleanliness.

NYC classroom around 1900 – New York Public Library collection

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