This will be the first in a series of photos of school children around 1900.
- Many kids worked at the turn of the century. Only 51% of 5-19 year – olds attended school. Only 30% of non-whites attended. Only 11% of eligible kids went to high school.
- Most students went to school for only five months.
- Schools were segregated, not just in the South, but in many Northern cities.
- School was usually 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
- Many kids walked 2-3 miles to get to school.
- The main subjects were called the 3R’s = reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. Some added a fourth R = recitation.
- Much learning was done by rote = memorization and recitation. Other subjects were history, geography, spelling, grammar, and penmanship. Girls were taught domestic skills like sewing.
- Teachers checked teeth and fingernails for cleanliness.
NYC classroom around 1900 – New York Public Library collection