Cato the Elder was a famous Senator in Rome. His famous demand that “Carthage must be destroyed” led to the Third Punic War and the fulfillment of his dream. One day a friend remarked to him: “It’s a scandal that Read more…
Cato the Elder was a famous Senator in Rome. His famous demand that “Carthage must be destroyed” led to the Third Punic War and the fulfillment of his dream. One day a friend remarked to him: “It’s a scandal that Read more…
The Civil War has often been called a war of brothers versus brothers. The fact that all the soldiers were Americans was exemplified by moments of fraternization like depicted in this sketch. Pickets were soldiers stationed at the front of Read more…
In the First Punic War, after victories in naval battles at Mylae and Ecnomus, the Romans decided to invade North Africa and attack the city of Carthage. The army was led by Rome’s best general – Regulus. Regulus defeated the Read more…
It is estimated that 5% of Americans believe the moon landing was faked. At the risk of losing 5% of my viewers, here are the top five debunked. the flag is waving – How can this be when there is Read more…
Let’s start our drinking now – no timed To wait while they light the lamps. There’s a finger of daylight left, So lift down the goblets, slave! Lord Read more…
Sharpshooters were first used in the Civil War in America. They were what we would call snipers today, but they also served as skirmishers. Skirmishers were soldiers placed in front of the line to either make first contact when the Read more…
The Spartans were not exactly romantic. When a Spartan male decided it was time to get married and start a family, he would abduct his intended bride from her home. The girl would be turned over to an older woman Read more…
Interesting Facts About Mount Rushmore The idea originated in 1923 with South Dakota historian Doane Robinson who hoped it would increase tourism to the state. It was created by John Gutzon de la Mothe Borghum, who had earlier carved Confederate Read more…
In 193 A.D. in Ancient Rome, the Praetorian Guard assassinated the Emperor Pertinax and then auctioned off the throne to the highest bidder. A wealthy senator named Didius Julianus offered the high bid – the equivalent of $1,000 per guard. Read more…
The Korean War Memorial was initiated by the Korean War Veterans Advisory Board in 1986 after Congress passed a law calling for a memorial. Pres. Reagan appointed veterans to the board. It was constructed with private contributions. Pres. George H.W. Read more…