On Jan. 16, 1945, Adolf Hitler moved for good into the Bunker under the Reich Chancellery building.  55 feet underground, the facility was totally safe from air bombardment.  The eighteen rooms provided the necessary creature comforts for Hitler and his staff.  The most prominent “guests” were Joseph Goebbels and his family. His last time out of the Bunker was on April 20 (his 56th birthday) when he pinned medals on some Hitler Youth.  On April 29, Hitler rewarded Eva Braun’s loyalty by marrying her.  Their marriage would last 40 hours.  Hitler dictated his last will to his secretary Traudl Junge.  In it, he passed power to Admiral Karl Donitz.  He had always planned on committing suicide.  No Mussolini humiliation for him.  SS Doctor Werner Haase had counseled the “pistol and poison method”.  The cyanide capsules were tried out on Hitler’s German shepherd Blondi.  Hitler ate his last meal, spaghetti with raisin and cabbage salad, with his two secretaries and his cook.  He then went into his study with his new bride, who he now called Fraulein Braun (an improvement over “Tschapperl” which meant “idiot”).  She called him “the chief”.  After the sound of a gunshot, aides entered the room to find the two bodies.  Eva was dead from the poison.  She had wanted to leave a beautiful corpse, but her face was contorted. Der Fuhrer was next to her on the sofa.  He had died from poison and a gunshot wound to the head.  The bodies were carried outside for cremation.  With Soviet forces just blocks away, the burning was not effective and the Soviets got the remains.




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