One of the most important companies in the world was formed because a man wanted to see Janet Jackson’s breast. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim were wealthy from employment with PayPal. When the company was bought by eBay, they were looking for a new opportunity. Hurley had a degree in design and the other two were computer scientists. According to the official version, Chen and Hurley were frustrated by the inability to share videos made at a dinner party. But Karim insists the idea came from his having trouble finding videos of Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” at the 2004 Super Bowl. Oh, and he also wanted to see footage of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Whatever the motivation, the trio came up with the idea of an online dating service where hot women would upload videos of themselves. They would be paid $100 for each video. When the number of videos submitted was underwhelming, they opened the platform for any videos. On April 23, 2005, Karim uploaded the first video to YouTube. It was entitled “Me at the zoo” and showed Karim at the San Diego Zoo. It is 18 seconds long and shows Karim standing in front of naked elephants.