Caligula was one of the most famous evil Roman emperors.  His depravity has been well chronicled.  For example, he supposedly proposed that his favorite horse Incitatus be appointed as consul.  He killed his sister who he had impregnated.  These are famous anecdotes, but what about his death?  In 41 A.D. Caligula floated the plan to relocate to Alexandria, Egypt where he would be more appreciated as a living god.  This was the last straw for many in the Senate.  They feared that where the Emperor went, so went the power, leaving the Senate impotent.  Plus, if Caligula was bad in Rome where there were some restraints, how bad would he be in a place that worshiped him as a god?  The dude had to go.  But not to Egypt, to Hades.  The plot was hatched between Senators and members of the Praetorian Guard.  One of them was Cassius Chaera.  Besides working for the worst boss in the world, he had personal reasons for hating Caligula.  Caligula was constantly taunting Cassius for his effeminate voice.  He basically accused Cassius of being gay.  He forced Cassius to use embarrassing passwords like “Priapus” (a rural god of fertility noted for his huge penis) and “Venus” (the goddess of love).  The assassination took place during the Palatine Games on Jan. 24. 42 A.D..  Caligula was hosting sporting events and plays.  He was talking with some actors in a corridor beneath the palace when Cassius and two other Praetorian Guards stabbed him thirty times.  Other conspirators killed his wife and daughter.  Rome needed a new emperor and it found him hiding behind a curtain in the palace.  Uncle Claudius turned out to be a big improvement so the assassination was a good move.

Categories: Anecdote


MICHAEL R HERNDON · January 24, 2022 at 10:59 pm

Good article. Cassius Charea was also a very distinguished soldier who saw extended service on Rome’s northern frontier in Germania. According to some sources, after he was condemned to death by emperor Claudius, for his role in the assassination of Caligula, he requested to be executed with his own sword, a request that was granted by the emperor.

Kevin Hardy · January 25, 2022 at 2:51 pm

Thanks. That’s a good post script.

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